Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Membership Category *New MemberRenewalRe-Activating Member- you have been "inactive" and are coming back to serve.Name *FirstLastEmail *Birthdate *Address * Authorize.Net one. Membership Mobile Number *Age *18 - 2425 - 3445 - 5455 - 6465+Occupation *The following committees need your talent and expertise. You are encouraged to join more than one. BereavementFinanceFundraisingLegends BallMembership/EventsScholarshipSocial Media/Public RelationsMembership Dues *Price: $33.25Black Educators Committee Inc. membership is $30 annually from September 1 - August 31. Your total charge including credit card processing fee will be $33.25. Authorize.Net *Card NumberMM123456789101112Expiration/YY2526272829303132333435Security Code Pay using VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER or AMERICAN EXPRESS. Submit