Closing the Gap


The Closing the Gap Free K-6 Tutoring Program launched Oct. 19, 2019, to offer remediation, enrichment, and scholastic advancement to all students in our communities. Every Saturday morning from 10am – Noon we meet at Freeport Memorial Library, 144 W. Merrick, Freeport, NY, downstairs in Room 04. The staff is comprised of permanent and retired New York State certified teachers, teaching assistants, volunteers, and National Honor Society students. Presently, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the tutoring program is currently on a hiatus. Stay connected to be notified of our relaunching.

Community Service

As we look around our communities today, it is evident that we are confronted by the same disparities that inspired Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to write Where Do We Go from Here Chaos or Community? in 1967. In the novel, he identified the “Triple Evils of Poverty, Racism, and Militarism… that exist in a vicious cycle… and stand as barriers to our living in the Beloved Community.” It takes a village to capture the essence of Dr. King’s “Beloved Community”. We have donated: school supplies and backpacks, toys for Christmas, work clothes for men and women reentering the workforce, winter coats for newly arrived students to the U.S. attending school at night, and Gift Cards to sustain families when schools are closed for extended periods. At community events, we have raffled off wireless printers, Chromebooks, gift certificates, mini-vacations, and flat-screen televisions. DONATE NOW!


Teacher Diversity

    • The cry for teacher diversity, equity in education, and inclusion are not new “buzz” words in Black and Brown communities but rather the mantra. Studies have shown that “Black Teachers Improve Outcomes for Black Students”. (US News) Having our black and brown children attend and graduate from colleges, universities, and technical schools should not be an anomaly. Join us! Collaborate with us! Lend us your voice and expertise as we take action to integrate, infiltrate, and saturate Long Island schools with teachers, administrators, and support staff who resemble our students. “Researchers from Johns Hopkins and American University outline findings that show that black students who are exposed to one black teacher by third grade were 13 percent more likely to enroll in college. Those who had two black teachers were 32 percent more likely to enroll in college.” (Camera) Join Us as we develop our Teacher Diversity Initiative in Long Island focusing on one school district at a time! However, the more active participants we receive, the more real and effective it will become.

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